
Showing posts from April, 2023

An article review

  The article I am about write about is named " Digital technologies and their role in achieving our ambitions for education". It was written by Diana Laurillard. It starts with an interesting notion that says we should rethink how we use digital technologies to improve the existing education system and consider building a new model of education that will use digital technologies to achieve better educational goals. It states the fact today's world has different requirements for education and the existing systems should probably be completely transformed to suit these needs. There have been numerous changes during the twenty first century such as personalisation of education, flexibility of syllabus and assessment, different collaborations and partnerships for education. These changes, author says, are very ambitious and their realization is assigned to teachers and leaders which seems almost impossible for them to achieve. Other factors including flexibility and inclusio

What is next

  My plans about using online tools. I have learnt about a number of online tools which can be implemented to the lesson process. However, I am sort of a traditional teacher who uses traditional methods mostly. Although I am quite sceptical about the effectiveness of using a lot of online tools in the classroom, I am going to try a few of the tools that I learnt about in this module. I think I am going to create more video quizzes for my students in the future as I used it several times and it was quite interesting and the students said they enjoyed doing such activities. Not only video quizzes but also simple online quizzes are also appealing to me. Thus, I think quizzes are going to be part of my lessons more often in the future. In one my posts I talked about the online tools that I liked the most. It was called "Blooket" and I would like to experiment using this tool in my lessons. Although I do not teach young kids, I think my students would find it enjoyable. On top of

What I gained from ILT

 My reflections on the module I studied this semester. This module was my first choice when I was choosing my modules for this year  and I am happy that I made a good decision then. It was an amazing experience for me. First of all, the subject is very interesting and up to date as we all teachers need to keep growing at the same pace as the world is changing very fast. We, teachers, sometimes settle for what is comfortable to teach, to use and forget to look for new ways of teaching or making our lessons more interesting. Because of our interesting sessions in this module, I got a lot of motivation to work on myself more and more and learn about modern tools that can be used in the classroom. Another thing which I absolutely loved about this module was the people who I studied with. I got to know so many brilliant professionals who are still trying to learn more and more which was a huge inspiration for me. I enjoyed our friendly discussions in the sessions and also I have to mention

About creating online course

 About 4 years ago, I came across Canvas platform when I was searching for different learning platforms. It had a free access for teachers and students and I decided to try that. I explored its various functions and little by little started creating my own course. At the time, I focused mainly on IELTS preparation so the course I created contained exercises and tips to practice for IELTS I divided the course into 2 modules such as Listening and Writing. Each module included different sets of tasks. I uploaded some videos and audios and also some documents related to the course. I used the comments sections as discussion boards and encouraged the students to leave comments after each task. After I had created the two modules I posted the link to my Facebook page and several people tried this course. I got individual feedback from each of them then which was very positive. There were different activities including different modes of study. Some activities had to be discussed with others


 One of the unforgettable learning events we had was our field trip to This is an organization which enables educators, bloggers or presenters to record their videos with high quality. They have some modern equipment and cameras to record some lessons. When we went there, a staff member there introduced the equipments and possibilities it can create. We saw the recording process and different settings of this recording equipment and even tried using it ourselves. It seemed a bit complicated to use to me but I think if there is more experience it can become comfortable to use. Educators can record their videos on high quality cameras and at the same time use an interactive board which will appear in the video. The equipment gives the opportunity to use different graphics, pictures, videos and backgrounds while recording and educators can search the internet for the thing they want to show and it will appear on the board and in the video. It is quite expensive to use though a

The discovery of an online tool

  During our ILT sessions, most students shared about the online tools they use and made presentations about them. One of the tools I absolutely loved was "Blooket" This online tool enables teachers to use different set of games with different purposes. When my groupmate was introducing this tool, she encouraged us to experience participating in a game which she conducted using this tool. It was very interesting and engaging. Even though we are all adults we became really into the games there and wanted to try it more. This tool can make your lesson more interesting and competetive. Students can work together or individually which means different modes of studying can be organized. I think this tool can make learners more motivated by giving a little sense of rivalry. Today's young generation loves the use of technologies in the classroom so it would be a good idea to use as warm-up for the lesson or for just practice. It has different modes, different sets of games, it i