The discovery of an online tool


During our ILT sessions, most students shared about the online tools they use and made presentations about them. One of the tools I absolutely loved was "Blooket"

This online tool enables teachers to use different set of games with different purposes. When my groupmate was introducing this tool, she encouraged us to experience participating in a game which she conducted using this tool. It was very interesting and engaging. Even though we are all adults we became really into the games there and wanted to try it more.

This tool can make your lesson more interesting and competetive. Students can work together or individually which means different modes of studying can be organized. I think this tool can make learners more motivated by giving a little sense of rivalry. Today's young generation loves the use of technologies in the classroom so it would be a good idea to use as warm-up for the lesson or for just practice. It has different modes, different sets of games, it is really fun to use.


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