What I gained from ILT

 My reflections on the module I studied this semester.

This module was my first choice when I was choosing my modules for this year  and I am happy that I made a good decision then. It was an amazing experience for me. First of all, the subject is very interesting and up to date as we all teachers need to keep growing at the same pace as the world is changing very fast. We, teachers, sometimes settle for what is comfortable to teach, to use and forget to look for new ways of teaching or making our lessons more interesting. Because of our interesting sessions in this module, I got a lot of motivation to work on myself more and more and learn about modern tools that can be used in the classroom.

Another thing which I absolutely loved about this module was the people who I studied with. I got to know so many brilliant professionals who are still trying to learn more and more which was a huge inspiration for me. I enjoyed our friendly discussions in the sessions and also I have to mention that all my coursemates were really helpful during this journey.

Finally, our module leader guided us through this journey and made this experience unforgettable. Actually, I had known her before taking this module as I had seen her name a lot on teaching forum where she shared new tools, tips and opportunities for teachers. I think she is passionate about improving education with the use of newest online tools and she could pass on this passion to all of us by the end of this course.
To conclude, I can say this was an unforgettable and inspiring chapter of my educational journey.


  1. Can you please tell about new ways of teaching or how to make your lessons more interesting you found for yourself?


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