What is next


My plans about using online tools.
I have learnt about a number of online tools which can be implemented to the lesson process. However, I am sort of a traditional teacher who uses traditional methods mostly. Although I am quite sceptical about the effectiveness of using a lot of online tools in the classroom, I am going to try a few of the tools that I learnt about in this module.
I think I am going to create more video quizzes for my students in the future as I used it several times and it was quite interesting and the students said they enjoyed doing such activities. Not only video quizzes but also simple online quizzes are also appealing to me. Thus, I think quizzes are going to be part of my lessons more often in the future.
In one my posts I talked about the online tools that I liked the most. It was called "Blooket" and I would like to experiment using this tool in my lessons. Although I do not teach young kids, I think my students would find it enjoyable.

On top of this, I will be searching for more online tools and experiment them. I think the internet has majority of online tools that I havent discovered yet and there are more and more new improved tools everyday.


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